Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Michael Demeng

Oh Yes!

Every medium has it's Rock Star and Assemblage has Michael, holy cow this guy makes art that rocks me upside down. The best part of all is he is ours for three whole days!

Senior Demeng will be stopping by Tangerine in October to teach a three day series of classes before he is of to Mexico for his fabulous Day of the Dead art fiesta. If only I could take the time off; art, mojitos, mole, and alters...oh my.

If you want in on all the fun you gotta give me a call or shoot me an email. I am taking early registration and I hope to have the classes all filled by July. I have it on good authority that he will be teaching demented toys...oh yipee!

Don't be shy, you know you wanna.

I am personally giving up my morning Starbucks (iced green tea and blueberry coffee cake) and slipping the money into my secret envelope. It is a painless way to pay for all three days. Hey if you have to tighten up the belt, do it creatively.

Next week I will be marbelizing paper if you want to play come on by.

Iva is teaching the Hot air balloon class, it is going to be a small group so you will want to get in on the action early.

Lisa Guerin is going to be here in June. She is so much fun, a great individual, a creative soul, and a real person, I just love her.

One of my favorite customers is Stephanie Jordan. She comes in at least once a week to buy grapefruit gummies and look for treasures, she's a ray of sunshine. Have you ever met someone who just knew how to make the most out of any situation? Stephanie has exchanged corporate America for a a creative life. She is brave and determined, her positive attitude is infectious. You can watch her YouTube videos for some fun and easy tips on how to use some products you may already own but havn't explored. Ms.Jordans website is Diviacity.com

Stephanie makes art and is happy.

Summer is here! Skinny dipping, otter pops, lawn sprinklers, public pools, cut-off shorts and flip flops...divine.

1 comment:

Iva Wilcox said...

Sign me up for demented toys and one other. Let me know the names of the other classes Micheal is teaching. I can't wait!! Miss you...Iva